Friday, 21 December 2012

Going dotty!

Confession time. The title may well refer to my spotty stockings but when it comes to fashion, at the moment I am genuinely losing it. The relentless, constant and unremitting rain means that the only appropriate outfit is a kagoule, waterproof trews and wellies. No, strike that,  I really need to become Mrs Noah and build a bloomin' ark!

So, with the biblical weather and the Christmas frenzy, I've fallen just a teensy bit behind on my pictures. With five days to go I have to dig out at least five more outfits to fulfil my challenge. Fortunately I have just bought my absolutely final pressie, so the pressure is off (apart from the supermarket shop, wrapping and cooking of course!) It's time to stop stressing and start celebrating.

Today, my outfit was as dark as the clouds- out came a black polo and jeans but I added some spotty tights and midi heels to introduce a little interest a la crazystylelove. And over the top... a mac of course!

Tights: Primark
Shoes: Gucci ( very old)

Polo: H&M (this season)
Jeans: Gok at Sainsbury
Tights: Primark
Shoes: Gucci (old)

Trench: Whistles

Spotty ankles

Inspiration courtesy of

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