Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Fifty shades of grey

There are two weeks left of my style challenge and my wardrobe is sagging under the strain. Left unworn are: an assortment of jumpers that have been munched by moths, old work suits with scary power shoulders, a smattering of evening-wear and a selection of dresses which seem too formal for a normal day and just too damn grown-up for a night on the town. They're perfect for a power lunch or maybe a christening...but to be honest, those are a little thin on the ground at the moment.

But maybe that's what this experiment's all about, wearing stuff that's been languishing on the shelves for years. So today, lacking the stomach to trail around Tesco in a sequinned maxi, I wore an Anglomania dress that I found in the sale a few years ago but have barely ever worn. I do like it, it just never seems quite right for the weather, or the occasion, or more often than not for my body (the bits between the buttons can bulge in a very disconcerting way.)

Armed with my industrial Spanx and some fab new charcoal tights from Marks and Spencer I was dressed in not-quite-fifty-shades-of-grey (courtesy of Vivienne Westwood) with my Kurt Geiger blue shoes (last seen here) for a little pop of colour ( hark at me with the fashionista talk!!!).

Grey coat: Anglomania (old)
Blue shoes : Kurt Geiger from Shoeaholics 
Charcoal tights: Marks and Spencer
Dress: Anglomania (old)
Grey leopard print scarf: old Mumsnet scarf ( similar on Amazon )

Kurt Geiger shoes...surprisingly comfy!

1 comment:

  1. You're a bit of a saucy minx really aren't you? I do like the grey dress though - it's got a touch of the naughty secretary about it - especially with those shoes.
