My style challenge- Fifty outfits in fifty days

Fifty outfits at fifty- the second challenge

Fashion blogs tend to be written by effortlessly chic women, who are confident in their own style and blog to share their knowledge and experience with the rest of us mere mortals.

This isn't one of those blogs.

Five years ago I hauled myself out of a style rut by wearing fifty outfits in fifty days and experimenting with new looks. Some worked and some didn't but by the end I had reignited an interest in fashion and gained some idea of what to put on when I got up in the morning.

And I've been sticking to those ideas religiously for the last five years! In my last post I put together some ideas for a capsule wardrobe- and when I revisited it a few days ago I realised that's pretty much what i've been wearing ever since. Well, that's if I can be bothered to get properly dressed that is. I work from home and it's oh so easy to stick to joggers, jimjams or jeans.

I've gained a few pounds which are stubbornly clinging to me (thanks to hormones, wine and weak will) and I've lost confidence. I'm hoping revisiting this challenge will help me see what works for me now. I love the idea of effortless French style, I'd love to look expensive and groomed but I also would still like to modern and trendy cool (maybe even using the word trendy means I am beyond all hope) -so, if I'd like to be all those things, why am I typing this in a grey bathrobe at midday?

I am going to take pictures of outfits every day and at the end I'll reassess what makes me look and feel good. 

Fifty outfits in fifty days- the first challenge

I used to have style. I think. Sadly I lost it along with most of my pelvic floor around about childbirth. Since then my look seems to have frozen in time, always the same old things: boot cut jeans, wedges, little black/brown/grey fitted jumper, the kind of stuff that Trinny and Susannah (I know, Trinny and Susannah, so you can tell how long I've been stuck in this fashion dead end) said would make me look taller, slimmer and less chunky of leg. Sadly now they just make me look dull and Mumsy. I'm 45, I need to make myself over before it's too late. (If you're screaming 'it's already too late' at the computer screen, tough, I'm traa-laa-laaing and ignoring you.)

So, I've set myself a challenge; to clamber out of my style rut I'm going to wear 50 different outfits over the next 50 days 'til Christmas. As I haven't much of a clue, I'm going to pour over blogs, magazines and forums for outfit inspiration and wear new looks even if they make me feel uncomfortable, self-conscious and foolish. Even if they make my hubby snort with laughter and my daughters howl with derision. I will NOT fall back into my old uniform. 

Small problem. I don't have a massive wardrobe or budget, so I'll have to drag out old things... I mean vintage/ classic items of course...and scour e-bay and cheap shops ( with maybe the odd guilty splurge) for clothes and accessories to bring them up-to-date. 

I'll photograph the outfits and at the end I'll review them and see what worked. Maybe I'll have rediscovered my fashion mojo, or maybe I'll have 50 photos of myself gurning at the camera looking like a prat, only time will tell. If there's anyone out there reading this, feel free to tell me which you think are my successes and failures ( although if you could avoid comments of a your-thighs-look-mahoosive-in-those-skinny-jeans nature, I will be eternally grateful.) 

So here they are...what worked and what didn't?

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