So after a couple of hours shuffling the bird between roasting and simmering ovens, making giblet stock and poking pressies under the Christmas tree I decided to pull on a selection of presents from Christmases past. My Issa dress (much beloved by the Middleton gels) was from my parents last year. It's the perfect shape for Christmas day, sooooo comfy and with cunning twisty draping around the midriff to hide any post prandial...ahem...bulge. With it I wore my classic midi-heel (no painful bunions in the kitchen for me) Louboutin boots, a gift from DH many years ago and later on I was lucky enough to be able to accessorise it with a gorgeous Gill Clements necklace from my lovely brother and his wife, a fab sparkly Anya Hindmarch clutch from DH and of course a glass of bubbly. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
No I didn't have my lips pumped up for Xmas...just a dodgy photo and some rather smudged lippy! Dress; Issa Boots: Louboutin Necklace: Gill Clements Bag: Anya Hindmarch |
Same style Issa dress on the sale at Flannels |
Similar sparkly clutch from Anya Hindmarch now on the sale here |