Saturday, 24 November 2012

Playing with colour

A quick flick through my blog and it's obvious that I'm not great with colour. If in doubt I head for black, if I wear a little colour I mix it with black. Colour just makes me nervous.

I had my colours 'done' years ago and for those of you that understand these things, I'm a Winter. I was given a folder bulging with jewel-bright swatches and rich tones, emerald and forest green, peacock and blood red, turquoise and cerise-but all I could focus on was the fact that black, white, and grey were acceptable too, am I a hopeless case?

Well, this challenge is all about trying new things, so, today I decided I wasn't going to wear any black. None. Nada. Not at all.

I have an ancient burgundy suede midi-skirt and I felt sure it should be perfect for this season but whenever I put it on (usually, quelle surprise, styled with black boots and top) it looked tired, dare I say it Mumsy and felt very dated. Well I know it really is, technically, very dated but I wondered if colour could give it a lift. I found this stripy jumper reduced to the ridiculous price of £3.99 in H&M and added my tartan H&M picnic blanket  scarf. My boots (also absurdly cheap and last featured here), tights and belt were chocolate and even my undies were purple (although I'll spare you the pics of those.)

I was feeling like a glorious splash of clashing colours on a grey gloomy day and was even toying with hunting down my book of swatches, when darling DD said
" I wonder what people will think of your costume...errr...I mean, outfit?!"

So now I'm feeling slightly paranoid that I look like I'm in fancy dress again!

Skirt: Oasis (very old)
Jumper: H&M (this season but I can't find it online)
Scarf: H&M (also new but can't find it online)
Tights: Primark
Boots:  Select
Belt: Zara


  1. I'm in grey. And I match the weather. Did your outfit lift yours spirits? I don't have a DD but I have a DH who says what he feels and it's not always what I want to hear. I think the scarf was too much of the same colour palette but without looks much cleaner and simpler. But good on you for experimenting with colour. I need to do that more. I'm guilty of being boring in the winter months but the colours get "lighter" in the summer. I've never had my colours done but I can guarantee, I will come out winter.

    1. Think you're right Sue...not quite half-way yet and already I think the simpler/cleaner looks work better. Probably 'cos I'm a titch! Going to keep experimenting though!!!
