Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Double denim

Kylie's been out and about, looking perky and pretty in double denim...but is it something that normal forty-somethings can wear? I mean, I have done double-denim in the past, hell, in the eighties I probably managed triple denim, like Kylie. Unlike Kylie though, I am a very unperky Mum from Yorkshire, so I rather suspect those days are well and truly behind me.

Anyway, in the spirit of experimentation (and to be honest, safe in the knowledge that I was going nowhere apart from the school run today, so potential humiliation was kept to a minimum) I dipped into one of the trickiest of fashion challenges.

To avoid being too costume-y, I made sure my denims were not the same shade and broke it up with tan accessories (getting good use of another pair of old midi heels) and a flash of (very chilly) ankle. When I left the house I chucked on a trench to hide it all  lessen the impact but was still treated to a suppressed snigger from the dds...but I'm getting used to those!

I quite like the general feel of the outfit but will definitely wear it with a navy fitted blouse, black polo or a classic white shirt next time and leave doubling up to international superstars!

Shirt-New Look (old but very similar here)
Jeans- Zara
Bag-Pressie from M&D :)
Shoes:Old tan middies
Belt: Old

Trench:Whistle (old)

How to do it?

1 comment:

  1. You're liking the pointy shoes now aren't you? Double denim is quite difficult - I've not done it yet - I still think of Suzi Quattro when double denim is mentioned and that is enough to put me off ... no matter how good Kylie looks.
